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A reader-supported surf publication founded in 1992, The Surfer’s Journal is vivid, authoritative, and independent. The goal of each 132-page bimonthly edition? A completely resolved composition. Balance. Color. Story. And purist surf energy from Page One to close-of-book.

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TSJ’s entire* back catalog

TSJ’s entire back catalog—three decades of vibrant surf storytelling in ink and on paper—available as a full set. That’s right, a copy of every edition we’ve ever published, including the very first issue of TSJ signed by founders Steve and Debbe Pezman. Build the ultimate surf library in a single haul with this truly limited offering.

*Excludes Vol.17.4, which has vanished from our back stock.

  • Includes Vol. 1.1 – Current Issue (Over 154 issues)
  • Signed copy of Vol 1.1 by Steve & Debbee Pezman
  • Free shipping in the US