

The undercurrents regard lifegaurd, Bob Butts, showing off his trusty Churchills, information regarding Surfrider staff and board changes, membership info for surfing environmental activist group known as SEA, contact info on Glenn Henning's new organization The Coastal Society, trivia knowledge about the first surfer to have a North Shore surf spot named after them, a brief profile piece on Native American surfer Johnny Rice, his fight/recovery with substance abuse, and his efforts introducing the tribal community to surfing, a photo submitted by Woodworth from Bixby Ranch, which he claims "is the biggest I've ever seen it," a 23 lb. cat with reversed web seat, leg powered by swim fins or a rowing system, promotional ad for Danny Calohan's marine sculptures, promo for an upcoming TV show about surfing scheduled to on KPBS, $25 neck-tie in surfer motif, collector's Edition of MacGillvray's film from 1972 and Pat Caldwell making a hard turn on his bodyboard on a sizable wave.
Volume 4, Issue 2

Light / Dark