

The Passing of Zero Tower by Mike Moir, Freeway Kelp by John Creed, They Eat Horses, Don't They? by Claire Crockett, Book review of Short-Timers in Paradise” Misplace Surfer, New-Age Scammer, Despotic Developers, Wave-Riding Hydroponic May by John Wythe White, 2001 Global Surf Calendar released by The Surfrider Foundation, CD review Aloha Collection by Wave Riders Against Drugs, Video review Peaches by Bill Ballard, Collectors Corner Pat Curren will create a limited run of full size balsa guns. Surf Resort at Lalati Resort on Malamu Bay on Beqa Island Fuji. Development threatens to harm reefs and surf spots in Puerto Rico. Developers also want to create a jetty that would ruin Scorpion Bay, Mexico.
Volume 9, Issue 5

Light / Dark