Foam Ball Satori

Foam Ball Satori

“That's the key to the whole getting robbed thing, just give ‘em your stuff. Like when I got stabbed here, I had a hut right down on the beach and I was sleeping, and I wake up and there's a guy going out of my hut. So I get up out of bed and I look out, and it's pretty bright from the moon, and I can see the one guy's sitting there with some of my stuff. So I take off after him – like a dumb ass. Never do that. Whatever you have, it ain't worth getting killed over. But I was young .  So I run after the guy and reach out and grab the back of his shirt and something just slams my shoulder. And I look down and there are all these flashlights in my face and I'm covered in blood. I look up and there's ten guys there…”
Volume 23, Issue 5

Light / Dark