Becoming Colin Smith

Becoming Colin Smith

Chris Ahrens profiles Colin Smith, a San Diego surfer, diver, and family man. Surfing and diving both have deep roots in Colin's family. His father and uncle both rode some of Hobie's first foam boards, and his uncle made a living as a diver. Colin had a brief career as a professional surfer, but he was more interested in just being in the water than in his contest results. While rehabbing a knee injury he began to dive on a more regular basis, and proceeded to develop world-class skills. The piece is full of interesting stories from all aspects of Colin's life, highlighted by a near death experience fighting sharks with a spear gun while in Hawaii. There are also sidebars by Rob Gilley and Evan Slater recounting memorable trips with Colin, both of which include shark stories.
Volume 14, Issue 5

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