Two Hands Clapping

Dion Agius and Craig Anderson bring noise to the Australian countryside.

Light / Dark

I’ve wanted to surf this place for years. All I knew about it was that the landscape is unlike anything else I’ve ever seen in Australia. We didn’t even check the forecast, but when we trekked in, we couldn’t believe our eyes. There was a magic bank with a left breaking into a channel on one side and a slab on the other—both clean and offshore. We went in there completely blind and ended up nailing it.

Dion Agius

It was a really solid run of swell. By the end of it, we could barely get out of bed. Surfing from sun up to sundown for days in a row really takes it out of you. Typically we’d be looking at charts for Indo and Europe this time of year. But that can get overwhelming, trying to track everything. Sometimes it’s just a better feeling when you score not far from home without any of the expectations you have when you’re hunting across the world.

Craig Anderson
Dion Agius.